Discussion 3: DataFrames, Querying, and Grouping

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These problems are taken from past quizzes and exams. Work on them on paper, since the quizzes and exams you take in this course will also be on paper.

We encourage you to complete these problems during discussion section. Solutions will be made available after all discussion sections have concluded. You don’t need to submit your answers anywhere.

Note: We do not plan to cover all of these problems during the discussion section; the problems we don’t cover can be used for extra practice.

Problem 1

For the problems that follow, we will work with a dataset consisting of various skyscrapers in the US, which we’ve loaded into a DataFrame called sky. The first few rows of sky are shown below (though the full DataFrame has more rows):


Each row of sky corresponds to a single skyscraper. For each skyscraper, we have:

Below, identify the data type of the result of each of the following expressions, or select “error” if you believe the expression results in an error.

Problem 1.1


Answer: DataFrame

sky is a DataFrame. All the sort_values method does is change the order of the rows in the Series/DataFrame it is called on, it does not change the data structure. As such, sky.sort_values('height') is also a DataFrame.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 87%.

Problem 1.2


Answer: error

sky.sort_values('height') is a DataFrame, and sky.sort_values('height').get('material') is a Series corresponding to the 'material' column, sorted by 'height' in increasing order. So far, there are no errors.

Remember, the .loc accessor is used to access elements in a Series based on their index. sky.sort_values('height').get('material').loc[0] is asking for the element in the sky.sort_values('height').get('material') Series with index 0. However, the index of sky is made up of building names. Since there is no building named 0, .loc[0] causes an error.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 79%.

Problem 1.3


Answer: string

As we mentioned above, sky.sort_values('height').get('material') is a Series containing values from the 'material' column (but sorted). Remember, there is no element in this Series with an index of 0, so sky.sort_values('height').get('material').loc[0] errors. However, .iloc[0] works differently than .loc[0]; .iloc[0] will give us the first element in a Series (independent of what’s in the index). So, sky.sort_values('height').get('material').iloc[0] gives us back a value from the 'material' column, which is made up of strings, so it gives us a string. (Specifically, it gives us the 'material' type of the skyscraper with the smallest 'height'.)

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 89%.

Problem 1.4


Answer: int or float

The Series sky.get('floors') is made up of integers, and sky.get('floors').max() evaluates to the largest number in the Series, which is also an integer.

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 91%.

Problem 1.5


Answer: string

sky.index contains the values 'Bayard-Condict Building', 'The Yacht Club at Portofino', 'City Investing Building', etc. sky.index[0] is then 'Bayard-Condict Building', which is a string.

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 91%.

Problem 2

Problem 2.1

Write a single line of code that evaluates to the name of the tallest skyscraper in the sky DataFrame.

Answer: sky.sort_values(by='height', ascending=False).index[0]

In order to answer this question, we must first sort the values of the column we are interested in. As such, we sort the entire DataFrame by the height column, and because we are interested in the name of the tallest building, we should set the ascending parameter to False because we would like the heights to be ordered in descending order, thus leading to the line sky.sort_values(by='height', ascending=False). After sorting in descending order, we know that the tallest building is going to be the first row of the new sky DataFrame, and thus we now only need to get the name of the skyscraper, which happens to be in the index. In order to access the index of the DataFrame we can use sky.index, and in our case because we know that we want the first index, we would need to write sky.index[0]. Finally, putting it all together, in order to get the name of the tallest skyscraper in the sky DataFrame, we would need to write sky.sort_values(by='Height', ascending=False).index[0].

Problem 2.2

Write a single line of code that evaluates to the average number of floors across all skyscrapers in the DataFrame.

Answer: sky.get('floors').mean()

In order to answer the question, we must first figure out how to get the number of floors each skyscraper has. We can do this with a line of code like sky.get('floors') which will get the number of floors each skyscraper has. After doing this, we now need to find out the average number of floors each skyscraper has. We can do this by using the .mean() method, which in our case will get the average number of floors each skyscraper has. Putting this all togther, we get a line of code that looks like sky.get('floors').mean().

Problem 3

Suppose students is a DataFrame of all students who took DSC 10 last quarter. students has one row per student, where:

Problem 3.1

What type is students.get("Overall")? If this expression errors, select “this errors."

Answer: Series

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 73%.

Problem 3.2

What type is students.get("PID")? If this expression errors, select “this errors."

Answer: this errors

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 67%.

Vanessa is one student who took DSC 10 last quarter. Her PID is A12345678, she earned the sixth-highest overall percentage grade in the class, and her favorite animal is the giraffe.

Problem 3.3

Supposing that students is already sorted by "Overall" in descending order, fill in the blanks so that animal_one and animal_two both evaluate to "giraffe".

animal_one = students.get(__(x)__).loc[__(y)__]
animal_two = students.get(__(x)__).iloc[__(z)__]


  • x: "Animal"
  • y: "A12345678"
  • z: 5

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 69%.

Problem 3.4

If students wasn’t already sorted by "Overall" in descending order, which of your answers would need to change?

Answer: z only

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 82%.

Problem 4

You are given a DataFrame called sports, indexed by 'Sport' containing one column, 'PlayersPerTeam'. The first few rows of the DataFrame are shown below:

Sport PlayersPerTeam
baseball 9
basketball 5
field hockey 11

Which of the following evaluates to 'basketball'?

Answer: sports.index[1]

We are told that the DataFrame is indexed by 'Sport' and 'basketball' is one of the elements of the index. To access an element of the index, we use .index to extract the index and square brackets to extract an element at a certain position. Therefore, sports.index[1] will evaluate to 'basketball'.

The first two answer choices attempt to use .loc or .iloc directly on a DataFrame. We typically use .loc or .iloc on a Series that results from using .get on some column. Although we don’t typically do it this way, it is possible to use .loc or .iloc directly on a DataFrame, but doing so would produce an entire row of the DataFrame. Since we want just one word, 'basketball', the first two answer choices must be incorrect.

The last answer choice is incorrect because we can’t use .get with the index, only with a column. The index is never considered a column.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 88%.

Problem 5

Suppose you are given a DataFrame of employees for a given company. The DataFrame, called employees, is indexed by 'employee_id' (string) with a column called 'years' (int) that contains the number of years each employee has worked for the company.

Problem 5.1

Suppose that the code

employees.sort_values(by='years', ascending=False).index[0]

outputs '2476'.

True or False: The number of years that employee 2476 has worked for the company is greater than the number of years that any other employee has worked for the company.

Answer: False

This is false because there could be other employees who worked at the company equally long as employee 2476.

The code says that when the employees DataFrame is sorted in descending order of 'years', employee 2476 is in the first row. There might, however, be a tie among several employees for their value of 'years'. In that case, employee 2476 may wind up in the first row of the sorted DataFrame, but we cannot say that the number of years employee 2476 has worked for the company is greater than the number of years that any other employee has worked for the company.

If the statement had said greater than or equal to instead of greater than, the statement would have been true.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 29%.

Problem 5.2

What will be the output of the following code?


Answer: an error message complaining about something else

The problem is that the first line of code does not actually add a new column to the employees DataFrame because the expression is not saved. So the second line tries to sort by a column, 'start', that doesn’t exist in the employees DataFrame and runs into an error when it can’t find a column by that name.

This code also has a problem with iloc[-1], since iloc cannot be used on the index, but since the problem with the missing 'start' column is encountered first, that will be the error message displayed.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 27%.

Problem 6

Suppose flower_data is a DataFrame with information on different species of flowers, where:

Problem 6.1

One of these three columns is a good choice to use as the index of this DataFrame. Write a line of code that sets this column as the index of flower_data, and assigns the resulting DataFrame to the variable flowers.

Answer: flowers = flower_data.set_index("species")

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 79%.

Important: The following questions will use flowers instead of flower_data.

Problem 6.2

Which of the following expressions evaluates to a DataFrame that is sorted by "petals" in descending order?

Answer: Option B

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 83%.

Problem 6.3

Suppose that the 4th row of flowers corresponds to a rare species of flower named "fire lily". Fill in the blanks below so that both of these expressions evaluate to the stem length in inches of "fire lily".

i. flowers.get("length").loc[__(x)__]
ii. flowers.get("length").iloc[__(y)__]

Answer: (x): "fire lily", (y): 3

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 83%.

Problem 6.4

Suppose that the 3rd row of flowers corresponds to the species "stinking corpse lily". Using the flowers DataFrame and the string method .split(), write an expression that evaluates to "corpse".

Answer: flowers.index[2].split(" ")[1]

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 46%.

Problem 7

An art museum records information about its collection in a DataFrame called art. The columns of art are as follows:

Write an expression that evaluates to the number of art pieces made in 1950 that cost less than $10,000.

Answer: art[(art.get("year") == 1950) & (art.get("price") < 10000)].shape[0]

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 72%.

Problem 8

The laptops DataFrame contains information on various factors that influence the pricing of laptops. Each row represents a laptop, and the columns are:

Fill in the blanks so that rotten_apple evaluates to the number of laptops manufactured by "Apple" that are priced below the median price of all laptops.

x = __(a)__
y = __(b)__
rotten_apple = laptops[x __(c)__ y].__(d)__

Note: (a) and (b) are interchangeable

Answer (a): laptops.get("Mfr") == "Apple"

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 71%.

Answer (b): laptops.get("Price") < laptops.get("Price").median()

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 71%.

Answer (c): &

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 43%.

Answer (d): shape[0]

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 43%.

Problem 9

The DataFrame items describes various items available to collect or purchase using bells, the currency used in the game Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

For each item, we have:

The first 6 rows of items are below, though items has more rows than are shown here.

Fill in the blanks so that count_1 and count_2 both evaluate to the number of items in items with a "Cost" of 0.

count_1 = items.groupby(__(a)__).__(b)__().get("Item").loc[__(c)__]
count_2 = items[__(d)__].shape[0]


  • a: "Cost"
  • b: count
  • c: 0
  • d: items.get("Cost") == 0

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 81%.

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