Spring 2022 Final Exam

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Instructor(s): Janine Tiefenbruck

This exam was administered in-person. The exam was closed-notes, except students were provided a copy of the DSC 10 Reference Sheet. No calculators were allowed. Students had 3 hours to take this exam.

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IKEA is a Swedish furniture company that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture and other home furnishings. IKEA has locations worldwide, including one in San Diego. IKEA is known for its cheap prices, modern designs, huge showrooms, and wordless instruction manuals. They also sell really good Swedish meatballs in their cafe!

This exam is all about IKEA. Here are the DataFrames you’ll be working with:

  1. ikea

The ikea DataFrame has a row for each ready-to-assemble IKEA furniture product. The columns are:

The first few rows of ikea are shown below, though ikea has many more rows than pictured.

  1. offers

IKEA sometimes runs certain special offers, including coupons, sales, and promotions. For each offer currently available, the DataFrame offers has a separate row for each category of products to which the offer can be applied. The columns are:

The full offers DataFrame is shown below. All rows are pictured.

  1. app_data

An IKEA fan created an app where people can log the amount of time it took them to assemble their IKEA furniture. The DataFrame app_data has a row for each product build that was logged on the app. The columns are:

The first few rows of app_data are shown below, though app_data has many more rows than pictured (5000 rows total).

Assume that we have already run import babypandas as bpd and import numpy as np.

Tip: Open this page in another tab, so that it is easy to refer to this data description as you work through the exam.

Problem 1

Complete the expression below so that it evaluates to the name of the product for which the average assembly cost per package is lowest.

(ikea.assign(assembly_per_package = ___(a)___)

Problem 1.1

What goes in blank (a)?

Answer: ikea.get('assembly_cost')/ikea.get('packages')

This column, as its name suggests, contains the average assembly cost per package, obtained by dividing the total cost of each product by the number of packages that product comes in. This code uses the fact that arithmetic operations between two Series happens element-wise.

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 91%.

Problem 1.2

What goes in blank (b)?

Answer: get('product').iloc[0]

After adding the 'assembly_per_package' column and sorting by that column in the default ascending order, the product with the lowest 'assembly_per_package' will be in the very first row. To access the name of that product, we need to get the column containing product names and use iloc to access an element of that Series by integer position.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 66%.

Problem 2

Complete the expression below so that it evaluates to a DataFrame indexed by 'category' with one column called 'price' containing the median cost of the products in each category.


Problem 2.1

What goes in blank (a)?

Answer: groupby('category').median()

The question prompt says that the resulting DataFrame should be indexed by 'category', so this is a hint that we may want to group by 'category'. When using groupby, we need to specify an aggregation function, and since we’re looking for the median cost of all products in a category, we use the .median() aggregation function.

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 90%.

Problem 2.2

What goes in blank (b)?

Answer: ['price']

The question prompt also says that the resulting DataFrame should have just one column, the 'price' column. To keep only certain columns in a DataFrame, we use .get, passing in a list of columns to keep. Remember to include the square brackets, otherwise .get will return a Series instead of a DataFrame.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 76%.

Problem 3

In the ikea DataFrame, the first word of each string in the 'product' column represents the product line. For example the HEMNES line of products includes several different products, such as beds, dressers, and bedside tables.

The code below assigns a new column to the ikea DataFrame containing the product line associated with each product.

(ikea.assign(product_line = ikea.get('product')

Problem 3.1

What are the input and output types of the extract_product_line function?

Answer: takes a string as input, returns a string

To use the Series method .apply, we first need a Series, containing values of any type. We pass in the name of a function to .apply and essentially, .apply calls the given function on each value of the Series, producing a Series with the resulting outputs of those function calls. In this case, .apply(extract_product_line) is called on the Series ikea.get('product'), which contains string values. This means the function extract_product_line must take strings as inputs. We’re told that the code assigns a new column to the ikea DataFrame containing the product line associated with each product, and we know that the product line is a string, as it’s the first word of the product name. This means the function extract_product_line must output a string.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 72%.

Problem 3.2

Complete the return statement in the extract_product_line function below.

def extract_product_line(x):
    return _________

What goes in the blank?

Answer: x.split(' ')[0]

This function should take as input a string x, representing a product name, and return the first word of that string, representing the product line. Since words are separated by spaces, we want to split the string on the space character ' '.

It’s also correct to answer x.split()[0] without specifying to split on spaces, because the default behavior of the string .split method is to split on any whitespace, which includes any number of spaces, tabs, newlines, etc. Since we’re only extracting the first word, which will be separated from the rest of the product name by a single space, it’s equivalent to split using single spaces and using the default of any whitespace.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 84%.

Problem 4

Recall that we have the complete set of currently available discounts in the DataFrame offers.

The DataFrame with_offers is created as follows.

    (with_offers = ikea.take(np.arange(6))
                       .merge(offers, left_on='category',  

Problem 4.1

How many rows does with_offers have?

Answer: 11

First, consider the DataFrame ikea.take(np.arange(6)), which contains the first six rows of ikea. We know the contents of these first six rows from the preview of the DataFrame at the start of this exam. To merge with offers, we need to look at the 'category' of each of these six rows and see how many rows of offers have the same value in the 'eligible_category' column.

The first row of ikea.take(np.arange(6)) is a 'bed'. There are two 'bed' offers, so that will create two rows in the output DataFrame. Similarly, the second row of ikea.take(np.arange(6)) creates two rows in the output DataFrame because there are two 'outdoor' offers. The third row creates just one row in the output, since there is only one 'dresser' offer. Continuing row-by-row in this way, we can sum the number of rows created to get: 2+2+1+2+2+2 = 11.

Pandas Tutor is a really helpful tool to visualize the merge process. Below is a color-coded visualization of this merge, generated by the code here.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 41%.

Problem 4.2

How many rows of with_offers have a value of 20 in the 'percent_off' column?

Answer: 2

There is just one offer with a value of 20 in the 'percent_off' column, and this corresponds to an offer on a 'bed'. Since there are two rows of ikea.take(np.arange(6)) with a 'category' of 'bed', each of these will match with the 20 percent-off offer, creating two rows of with_offers with a value of 20 in the 'percent_off' column.

The visualization from Pandas Tutor below confirms our answer. The two rows with a value of 20 in the 'percent_off' column are both shown in rows 0 and 2 of the output DataFrame.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 70%.

Problem 4.3

If you can use just one offer per product, you’d want to use the one that saves you the most money, which we’ll call the best offer.

True or False: The expression below evaluates to a Series indexed by 'product' with the name of the best offer for each product that appears in the with_offers DataFrame.


Answer: False

Recall that groupby applies the aggregation function separately to each column. Applying the .max() aggregate on the 'offer' column for each group gives the name that is latest in alphabetical order because it contains strings, whereas applying the .max() aggregate on the 'percent_off' column gives the largest numerical value. These don’t necessarily go together in with_offers.

In particular, the element of with_offers.groupby('product').max().get('offer') corresponding to the LAPPLAND TV storage unit will be 'get_organized_promo'. This happens because the two rows of with_offers corresponding to the LAPPLAND TV storage unit have values of 'get_organized_promo' and 'birthday coupon', but 'get_organized_promo' is alphabetically later, so it’s considered the max by .groupby. However, the 'birthday coupon' is actually a better offer, since it’s 15 percent off, while the 'get_organized_promo' is only 10 percent off. The expression does not actually find the best offer for each product, but instead finds the latest alphabetical offer for each product.

We can see this directly by looking at the output of Pandas Tutor below, generated by this code.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 69%.

Problem 4.4

You want to add a column to with_offers containing the price after the offer discount is applied.

with_offers = with_offers.assign(after_price = _________)

Which of the following could go in the blank? Select all that apply.

Answer: with_offers.get('price')*(100 - with_offers.get('percent_off'))/100, (with_offers.get('price') - with_offers.get('price')*with_offers.get('percent_off')/100)

Notice that all the answer choices use with_offers.get('price'), which is a Series of prices, and with_offers.get('percent_off'), which is a Series of associated percentages off. Using Series arithmetic, which works element-wise, the goal is to create a Series of prices after the discount is applied.

For example, the first row of with_offers corresponds to an item with a price of 254 dollars, and a discount of 20 percent off, coming from the snooze sale. This means its price after the discount should be 80 percent of the original value, which is 254*0.8 = 203.2 dollars.

Let’s go through each answer in order, working with this example.

The first answer choice takes the price and subtracts the percent off divided by 100. For our example, this would compute the discounted price as 254 - 20/100 = 253.8 dollars, which is incorrect.

The second answer choice multiplies the price by the quantity 100 minus the percent off, then divides by 100. This works because when we subtract the percent off from 100 and divide by 100, the result represents the proportion or fraction of the cost we must pay, and so multiplying by the price gives the price after the discount. For our example, this comes out to 254*(100-20)/100= 203.2 dollars, which is correct.

The third answer choice is also correct. This corresponds to taking the original price and subtracting from it the dollar amount off, which comes from multiplying the price by the percent off and dividing by 100. For our example, this would be computed as 254 - 254*20/100 = 203.2 dollars, which is correct.

The fourth answer multiplies the price by the quantity 100 minus the percent off divided by 100. For our example, this would compute the discounted price as 254*(100 - 20/100) = 25349.2 dollars, a number that’s nearly one hundred times the original price!

Therefore, only the second and third answer choices are correct.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 79%.

Problem 5

Recall that an IKEA fan created an app for people to log the amount of time it takes them to assemble an IKEA product. We have this data in app_data.

Problem 5.1

Suppose that when someone downloads the app, the app requires them to choose a username, which must be different from all other registered usernames.

True or False: If app_data had included a column with the username of the person who reported each product build, it would make sense to index app_data by username.

Answer: False

Even though people must have distinct usernames, one person can build multiple different IKEA products and log their time for each build. So we don’t expect every row of app_data to have a distinct username associated with it, and therefore username would not be suitable as an index, since the index should have distinct values.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 52%.

Problem 5.2

What does the code below evaluate to?


Hint: The 'assembly_time' column contains strings.

Answer: '1 hr, 45 min'

The code says that we should take the first four rows of app_data (which we can see in the preview at the start of this exam), sort the rows in ascending order of 'assembly_time', and extract the very first entry of the 'assembly_time' column. In other words, we have to find the 'assembly_time' value that would be first when sorted in ascending order. As given in the hint, the 'assembly_time' column contains strings, and strings get sorted alphabetically, so we are looking for the assembly time, among the first four, that would come first alphabetically. This is '1 hr, 45 min'.

Note that first alphabetically does not correspond to the least amount of time. '1 hr, 5 min' represents less time than '1 hr, 45 min', but in alphabetical order '1 hr, 45 min' comes before '1 hr, 5 min' because both start with the same characters '1 hr, ' and comparing the next character, '4' comes before '5'.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 46%.

Problem 5.3

Complete the implementation of the to_minutes function below. This function takes as input a string formatted as 'x hr, y min' where x and y represent integers, and returns the corresponding number of minutes, as an integer (type int in Python).

For example, to_minutes('3 hr, 5 min') should return 185.

def to_minutes(time):
    first_split = time.split(' hr, ')
    second_split = first_split[1].split(' min')
    return _________

What goes in the blank?

Answer: int(first_split[0])*60+int(second_split[0])

As the last subpart demonstrated, if we want to compare times, it doesn’t make sense to do so when times are represented as strings. In the to_minutes function, we convert a time string into an integer number of minutes.

The first step is to understand the logic. Every hour contains 60 minutes, so for a time string formatted like x hr, y min' the total number of minutes comes from multiplying the value of x by 60 and adding y.

The second step is to understand how to extract the x and y values from the time string using the string methods .split. The string method .split takes as input some separator string and breaks the string into pieces at each instance of the separator string. It then returns a list of all those pieces. The first line of code, therefore, creates a list called first_split containing two elements. The first element, accessed by first_split[0] contains the part of the time string that comes before ' hr, '. That is, first_split[0] evaluates to the string x.

Similarly, first_split[1] contains the part of the time string that comes after ' hr, '. So it is formatted like 'y min'. If we split this string again using the separator of ' min', the result will be a list whose first element is the string 'y'. This list is saved as second_split so second_split[0] evaluates to the string y.

Now we have the pieces we need to compute the number of minutes, using the idea of multiplying the value of x by 60 and adding y. We have to be careful with data types here, as the bolded instructions warn us that the function must return an integer. Right now, first_split[0] evaluates to the string x and second_split[0] evaluates to the string y. We need to convert these strings to integers before we can multiply and add. Once we convert using the int function, then we can multiply the number of hours by 60 and add the number of minutes. Therefore, the solution is int(first_split[0])*60+int(second_split[0]).

Note that failure to convert strings to integers using the int function would lead to very different behavior. Let’s take the example time string of '3 hr, 5 min' as input to our function. With the return statement as int(first_split[0])*60+int(second_split[0]), the function would return 185 on this input, as desired. With the return statement as first_split[0]*60+second_split[0], the function would return a string of length 61, looking something like this '3333...33335'. That’s because the * and + symbols do have meaning for strings, they’re just different meanings than when used with integers.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 71%.

Problem 5.4

You want to add to app_data a column called 'minutes' with integer values representing the number of minutes it took to assemble each product.

app_data = app_data.assign(minutes = _________)

Which of the following should go in the blank?

Answer: app_data.get('assembly_time').apply(to_minutes)

We want to create a Series of times in minutes, since it’s to be added to the app_data DataFrame using .assign. The correct way to do that is to use .apply so that our function, which works for one input time string, can be applied separately to every time string in the 'assembly_time' column of app_data. Remember that .apply takes as input one parameter, the name of the function to apply, with no arguments. The correct syntax is app_data.get('assembly_time').apply(to_minutes).

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 98%.

Problem 6

We want to use app_data to estimate the average amount of time it takes to build an IKEA bed (any product in the 'bed' category). Which of the following strategies would be an appropriate way to estimate this quantity? Select all that apply.

Answer: Option 1

Only the first answer is correct. This is a question of parameter estimation, so our approach is to use bootstrapping to create many resamples of our original sample, computing the average of each resample. Each resample should always be the same size as the original sample. The first answer choice accomplishes this by querying first to keep only the beds, then resampling from the DataFrame of beds only. This means resamples will have the same size as the original sample. Each resample’s mean will be computed, so we will have many resample means from which to construct our 95% confidence interval.

In the second answer choice, we are actually taking the mean twice. We first average the build times for all builds of the same product when grouping by product. This produces a DataFrame of different products with the average build time for each. We then resample from this DataFrame, computing the average of each resample. But this is a resample of products, not of product builds. The size of the resample is the number of unique products in app_data, not the number of reported product builds in app_data. Further, we get incorrect results by averaging numbers that are already averages. For example, if 5 people build bed A and it takes them each 1 hour, and 1 person builds bed B and it takes them 10 hours, the average amount of time to build a bed is \frac{5*1+10}{6} = 2.5. But if we average the times for bed A (1 hour) and average the times for bed B (5 hours), then average those, we get \frac{1+5}{2} = 3, which is not the same. More generally, grouping is not a part of the bootstrapping process because we want each data value to be weighted equally.

The last two answer choices are incorrect because they involve resampling from the full app_data DataFrame before querying to keep only the beds. This is incorrect because it does not preserve the sample size. For example, if app_data contains 1000 reported bed builds and 4000 other product builds, then the only relevant data is the 1000 bed build times, so when we resample, we want to consider another set of 1000 beds. If we resample from the full app_data DataFrame, our resample will contain 5000 rows, but the number of beds will be random, not necessarily 1000. If we query first to keep only the beds, then resample, our resample will contain exactly 1000 beds every time. As an added bonus, since we only care about beds, it’s much faster to resample from a smaller DataFrame of beds only than it is to resample from all app_data with plenty of rows we don’t care about.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 71%.

Problem 7

Laura built the LAPPLAND TV storage unit in 2 hours and 30 minutes, and she thinks she worked at an average speed. If you want to see whether the average time to build the TV storage unit is indeed 2 hours and 30 minutes using the sample of assembly times in app_data, which of the following tools could you use to help you? Select all that apply.

Answer: hypothesis testing, bootstrapping, Central Limit Theorem, confidence interval

The average time to build the LAPPLAND TV storage unit is an unknown population parameter. We’re trying to figure out if this parameter could be equal to the specific value of 2 hours and 30 minutes. We can use the framework we learned in class to set this up as a hypothesis test via confidence interval. When we have a null hypothesis of the form “the parameter equals the specific value” and an alternative hypothesis of “it does not,” this framework applies, and conducting the hypothesis test is equivalent to constructing a confidence interval for the parameter and seeing if the specific value falls in the interval.

There are two ways in which we could construct the confidence interval. One is through bootstrapping, and the other is through the Central Limit Theorem, which applies in this case because our statistic is the mean.

The only listed tools that could not be used here are permutation testing and regression. Permutation testing is used to determine whether two samples could have come from the same population, but here we only have one sample. Permutation testing would be helpful to answer a question like, “Does it take the same amount of time to assemble the LAPPLAND TV storage as it does to assemble the HAUGA TV storage unit?”

Regression is used to predict one numerical quantity based on another, not to estimate a parameter as we are doing here. Regression would be appropriate to answer a question like, “How does the assembly time for the LAPPLAND TV storage unit change with the assembler’s age?”

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 78%.

Problem 8

For this question, let’s think of the data in app_data as a random sample of all IKEA purchases and use it to test the following hypotheses.

Null Hypothesis: IKEA sells an equal amount of beds (category 'bed') and outdoor furniture (category 'outdoor').

Alternative Hypothesis: IKEA sells more beds than outdoor furniture.

The DataFrame app_data contains 5000 rows, which form our sample. Of these 5000 products,

Problem 8.1

Which of the following could be used as the test statistic for this hypothesis test? Select all that apply.

Answer: Among 2500 beds and outdoor furniture items, the proportion of beds.
Among 2500 beds and outdoor furniture items, the number of beds.

Our test statistic needs to be able to distinguish between the two hypotheses. The first option does not do this, because it includes an absolute value. If the absolute difference between the proportion of beds and the proportion of outdoor furniture were large, it could be because IKEA sells more beds than outdoor furniture, but it could also be because IKEA sells more outdoor furniture than beds.

The second option is a valid test statistic, because if the proportion of beds is large, that suggests that the alternative hypothesis may be true.

Similarly, the third option works because if the number of beds (out of 2500) is large, that suggests that the alternative hypothesis may be true.

The fourth option is invalid because out of 2500 beds and outdoor furniture items, the number of beds plus the number of outdoor furniture items is always 2500. So the value of this statistic is constant regardless of whether the alternative hypothesis is true, which means it does not help you distinguish between the two hypotheses.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 78%.

Problem 8.2

Let’s do a hypothesis test with the following test statistic: among 2500 beds and outdoor furniture items, the proportion of outdoor furniture minus the proportion of beds.

Complete the code below to calculate the observed value of the test statistic and save the result as obs_diff.

    outdoor = (app_data.get('category')=='outdoor') 
    bed = (app_data.get('category')=='bed')
    obs_diff = ( ___(a)___ - ___(b)___ ) / ___(c)___

The table below contains several Python expressions. Choose the correct expression to fill in each of the three blanks. Three expressions will be used, and two will be unused.

Answer: Reading the table from top to bottom, the five expressions should be used in the following blanks: None, (b), (a), (c), None.

The correct way to define obs_diff is

    outdoor = (app_data.get('category')=='outdoor') 
    bed = (app_data.get('category')=='bed')
    obs_diff = (app_data[outdoor].shape[0] - app_data[bed].shape[0]) / app_data[outdoor | bed].shape[0]

The first provided line of code defines a boolean Series called outdoor with a value of True corresponding to each outdoor furniture item in app_data. Using this as the condition in a query results in a DataFrame of outdoor furniture items, and using .shape[0] on this DataFrame gives the number of outdoor furniture items. So app_data[outdoor].shape[0] represents the number of outdoor furniture items in app_data. Similarly, app_data[bed].shape[0] represents the number of beds in app_data. Likewise, app_data[outdoor | bed].shape[0] represents the total number of outdoor furniture items and beds in app_data. Notice that we need to use an or condition (|) to get a DataFrame that contains both outdoor furniture and beds.

We are told that the test statistic should be the proportion of outdoor furniture minus the proportion of beds. Translating this directly into code, this means the test statistic should be calculated as

    obs_diff = app_data[outdoor].shape[0]/app_data[outdoor | bed].shape[0] - app_data[bed].shape[0]) / app_data[outdoor | bed].shape[0]

Since this is a difference of two fractions with the same denominator, we can equivalently subtract the numerators first, then divide by the common denominator, using the mathematical fact \frac{a}{c} - \frac{b}{c} = \frac{a-b}{c}.

This yields the answer

    obs_diff = (app_data[outdoor].shape[0] - app_data[bed].shape[0]) / app_data[outdoor | bed].shape[0]

Notice that this is the observed value of the test statistic because it’s based on the real-life data in the app_data DataFrame, not simulated data.

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 90%.

Problem 8.3

Which of the following is a valid way to generate one value of the test statistic according to the null model? Select all that apply.

Way 1:

multi = np.random.multinomial(2500, [0.5,0.5]) 
(multi[0] - multi[1])/2500

Way 2:

outdoor = np.random.multinomial(2500, [0.5,0.5])[0]/2500 
bed = np.random.multinomial(2500, [0.5,0.5])[1]/2500 
outdoor - bed 

Way 3:

choice = np.random.choice([0, 1], 2500, replace=True) 
choice_sum = choice.sum() 
(choice_sum - (2500 - choice_sum))/2500

Way 4:

choice = np.random.choice(['bed', 'outdoor'], 2500, replace=True) 
bed = np.count_nonzero(choice=='bed')
outdoor = np.count_nonzero(choice=='outdoor')
outdoor/2500 - bed/2500

Way 5:

outdoor = (app_data.get('category')=='outdoor') 
bed = (app_data.get('category')=='bed')
samp = app_data[outdoor|bed].sample(2500, replace=True) 
samp[samp.get('category')=='outdoor'].shape[0]/2500 -  samp[samp.get('category')=='bed'].shape[0]/2500)

Way 6:

outdoor = (app_data.get('category')=='outdoor') 
bed = (app_data.get('category')=='bed')
samp = (app_data[outdoor|bed].groupby('category').count().reset_index().sample(2500, replace=True))    
samp[samp.get('category')=='outdoor'].shape[0]/2500 - samp[samp.get('category')=='bed'].shape[0]/2500

Answer: Way 1, Way 3, Way 4, Way 6

Let’s consider each way in order.

Way 1 is a correct solution. This code begins by defining a variable multi which will evaluate to an array with two elements representing the number of items in each of the two categories, after 2500 items are drawn randomly from the two categories, with each category being equally likely. In this case, our categories are beds and outdoor furniture, and the null hypothesis says that each category is equally likely, so this describes our scenario accurately. We can interpret multi[0] as the number of outdoor furniture items and multi[1] as the number of beds when we draw 2500 of these items with equal probability. Using the same mathematical fact from the solution to Problem 8.2, we can calculate the difference in proportions as the difference in number divided by the total, so it is correct to calculate the test statistic as (multi[0] - multi[1])/2500.

Way 2 is an incorrect solution. Way 2 is based on a similar idea as Way 1, except it calls np.random.multinomial twice, which corresponds to two separate random processes of selecting 2500 items, each of which is equally likely to be a bed or an outdoor furniture item. However, is not guaranteed that the number of outdoor furniture items in the first random selection plus the number of beds in the second random selection totals 2500. Way 2 calculates the proportion of outdoor furniture items in one random selection minus the proportion of beds in another. What we want to do instead is calculate the difference between the proportion of outdoor furniture and beds in a single random draw.

Way 3 is a correct solution. Way 3 does the random selection of items in a different way, using np.random.choice. Way 3 creates a variable called choice which is an array of 2500 values. Each value is chosen from the list [0,1] with each of the two list elements being equally likely to be chosen. Of course, since we are choosing 2500 items from a list of size 2, we must allow replacements. We can interpret the elements of choice by thinking of each 1 as an outdoor furniture item and each 0 as a bed. By doing so, this random selection process matches up with the assumptions of the null hypothesis. Then the sum of the elements of choice represents the total number of outdoor furniture items, which the code saves as the variable choice_sum. Since there are 2500 beds and outdoor furniture items in total, 2500 - choice_sum represents the total number of beds. Therefore, the test statistic here is correctly calculated as the number of outdoor furniture items minus the number of beds, all divided by the total number of items, which is 2500.

Way 4 is a correct solution. Way 4 is similar to Way 3, except instead of using 0s and 1s, it uses the strings 'bed' and 'outdoor' in the choice array, so the interpretation is even more direct. Another difference is the way the number of beds and number of outdoor furniture items is calculated. It uses np.count_nonzero instead of sum, which wouldn’t make sense with strings. This solution calculates the proportion of outdoor furniture minus the proportion of beds directly.

Way 5 is an incorrect solution. As described in the solution to Problem 8.2, app_data[outdoor|bed] is a DataFrame containing just the outdoor furniture items and the beds from app_data. Based on the given information, we know app_data[outdoor|bed] has 2500 rows, 1000 of which correspond to beds and 1500 of which correspond to furniture items. This code defines a variable samp that comes from sampling this DataFrame 2500 times with replacement. This means that each row of samp is equally likely to be any of the 2500 rows of app_data[outdoor|bed]. The fraction of these rows that are beds is 1000/2500 = 2/5 and the fraction of these rows that are outdoor furniture items is 1500/2500 = 3/5. This means the random process of selecting rows randomly such that each row is equally likely does not make each item equally likely to be a bed or outdoor furniture item. Therefore, this approach does not align with the assumptions of the null hypothesis.

Way 6 is a correct solution. Way 6 essentially modifies Way 5 to make beds and outdoor furniture items equally likely to be selected in the random sample. As in Way 5, the code involves the DataFrame app_data[outdoor|bed] which contains 1000 beds and 1500 outdoor furniture items. Then this DataFrame is grouped by 'category' which results in a DataFrame indexed by 'category', which will have only two rows, since there are only two values of 'category', either 'outdoor' or 'bed'. The aggregation function .count() is irrelevant here. When the index is reset, 'category' becomes a column. Now, randomly sampling from this two-row grouped DataFrame such that each row is equally likely to be selected does correspond to choosing items such that each item is equally likely to be a bed or outdoor furniture item. The last line simply calculates the proportion of outdoor furniture items minus the proportion of beds in our random sample drawn according to the null model.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 59%.

Problem 8.4

Suppose we generate 10,000 simulated values of the test statistic according to the null model and store them in an array called simulated_diffs. Complete the code below to calculate the p-value for the hypothesis test.

    np.count_nonzero(simulated_diffs _________ obs_diff)/10000

What goes in the blank?

Answer: <=

To answer this question, we need to know whether small values or large values of the test statistic indicate the alternative hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis is that IKEA sells more beds than outdoor furniture. Since we’re calculating the proportion of outdoor furniture minus the proportion of beds, this difference will be small (negative) if the alternative hypothesis is true. Larger (positive) values of the test statistic mean that IKEA sells more outdoor furniture than beds. A value near 0 means they sell beds and outdoor furniture equally.

The p-value is defined as the proportion of simulated test statistics that are equal to the observed value or more extreme, where extreme means in the direction of the alternative. In this case, since small values of the test statistic indicate the alternative hypothesis, the correct answer is <=.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 43%.

Problem 9

You are browsing the IKEA showroom, deciding whether to purchase the BILLY bookcase or the LOMMARP bookcase. You are concerned about the amount of time it will take to assemble your new bookcase, so you look up the assembly times reported in app_data. Thinking of the data in app_data as a random sample of all IKEA purchases, you want to perform a permutation test to test the following hypotheses.

Null Hypothesis: The assembly time for the BILLY bookcase and the assembly time for the LOMMARP bookcase come from the same distribution.

Alternative Hypothesis: The assembly time for the BILLY bookcase and the assembly time for the LOMMARP bookcase come from different distributions.

Problem 9.1

Suppose we query app_data to keep only the BILLY bookcases, then average the 'minutes' column. In addition, we separately query app_data to keep only the LOMMARP bookcases, then average the 'minutes' column. If the null hypothesis is true, which of the following statements about these two averages is correct?

Answer: Any difference between these two averages is due to random chance.

If the null hypothesis is true, this means that the time recorded in app_data for each BILLY bookcase is a random number that comes from some distribution, and the time recorded in app_data for each LOMMARP bookcase is a random number that comes from the same distribution. Each assembly time is a random number, so even if the null hypothesis is true, if we take one person who assembles a BILLY bookcase and one person who assembles a LOMMARP bookcase, there is no guarantee that their assembly times will match. Their assembly times might match, or they might be different, because assembly time is random. Randomness is the only reason that their assembly times might be different, as the null hypothesis says there is no systematic difference in assembly times between the two bookcases. Specifically, it’s not the case that one typically takes longer to assemble than the other.

With those points in mind, let’s go through the answer choices.

The first answer choice is incorrect. Just because two sets of numbers are drawn from the same distribution, the numbers themselves might be different due to randomness, and the averages might also be different. Maybe just by chance, the people who assembled the BILLY bookcases and recorded their times in app_data were slower on average than the people who assembled LOMMARP bookcases. If the null hypothesis is true, this difference in average assembly time should be small, but it very likely exists to some degree.

The second answer choice is correct. If the null hypothesis is true, the only reason for the difference is random chance alone.

The third answer choice is incorrect for the same reason that the second answer choice is correct. If the null hypothesis is true, any difference must be explained by random chance.

The fourth answer choice is incorrect. If there is a difference between the averages, it should be very small and not statistically significant. In other words, if we did a hypothesis test and the null hypothesis was true, we should fail to reject the null.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 77%.

Problem 9.2

For the permutation test, we’ll use as our test statistic the average assembly time for BILLY bookcases minus the average assembly time for LOMMARP bookcases, in minutes.

Complete the code below to generate one simulated value of the test statistic in a new way, without using np.random.permutation.

billy = (app_data.get('product') == 
        'BILLY Bookcase, white, 31 1/2x11x79 1/2')
lommarp = (app_data.get('product') == 
          'LOMMARP Bookcase, dark blue-green, 25 5/8x78 3/8')
billy_lommarp = app_data[billy|lommarp]
billy_mean = np.random.choice(billy_lommarp.get('minutes'), billy.sum(), replace=False).mean()
lommarp_mean = _________
billy_mean - lommarp_mean

What goes in the blank?

Answer: (billy_lommarp.get('minutes').sum() - billy_mean * billy.sum())/lommarp.sum()

The first line of code creates a boolean Series with a True value for every BILLY bookcase, and the second line of code creates the analogous Series for the LOMMARP bookcase. The third line queries to define a DataFrame called billy_lommarp containing all products that are BILLY or LOMMARP bookcases. In other words, this DataFrame contains a mix of BILLY and LOMMARP bookcases.

From this point, the way we would normally proceed in a permutation test would be to use np.random.permutation to shuffle one of the two relevant columns (either 'product' or 'minutes') to create a random pairing of assembly times with products. Then we would calculate the average of all assembly times that were randomly assigned to the label BILLY. Similarly, we’d calculate the average of all assembly times that were randomly assigned to the label LOMMARP. Then we’d subtract these averages to get one simulated value of the test statistic. To run the permutation test, we’d have to repeat this process many times.

In this problem, we need to generate a simulated value of the test statistic, without randomly shuffling one of the columns. The code starts us off by defining a variable called billy_mean that comes from using np.random.choice. There’s a lot going on here, so let’s break it down. Remember that the first argument to np.random.choice is a sequence of values to choose from, and the second is the number of random choices to make. And we set replace=False, so that no element that has already been chosen can be chosen again. Here, we’re making our random choices from the 'minutes' column of billy_lommarp. The number of choices to make from this collection of values is billy.sum(), which is the sum of all values in the billy Series defined in the first line of code. The billy Series contains True/False values, but in Python, True counts as 1 and False counts as 0, so billy.sum() evaluates to the number of True entries in billy, which is the number of BILLY bookcases recorded in app_data. It helps to think of the random process like this:

  1. Collect all the assembly times of any BILLY or LOMMARP bookcase in a large bag.
  2. Pull out a random assembly time from this bag.
  3. Repeat step 2, drawing as many times as there are BILLY bookcases, without replacement.

If we think of the random times we draw as being labeled BILLY, then the remaining assembly times still leftover in the bag represent the assembly times randomly labeled LOMMARP. In other words, this is a random association of assembly times to labels (BILLY or LOMMARP), which is the same thing we usually accomplish by shuffling in a permutation test.

From here, we can proceed the same way as usual. First, we need to calculate the average of all assembly times that were randomly assigned to the label BILLY. This is done for us and stored in billy_mean. We also need to calculate the average of all assembly times that were randomly assigned the label LOMMARP. We’ll call that lommarp_mean. Thinking of picking times out of a large bag, this is the average of all the assembly times left in the bag. The problem is there is no easy way to access the assembly times that were not picked. We can take advantage of the fact that we can easily calculate the total assembly time of all BILLY and LOMMARP bookcases together with billy_lommarp.get('minutes').sum(). Then if we subtract the total assembly time of all bookcases randomly labeled BILLY, we’ll be left with the total assembly time of all bookcases randomly labeled LOMMARP. That is, billy_lommarp.get('minutes').sum() - billy_mean * billy.sum() represents the total assembly time of all bookcases randomly labeled LOMMARP. The count of the number of LOMMARP bookcases is given by lommarp.sum() so the average is (billy_lommarp.get('minutes').sum() - billy_mean * billy.sum())/lommarp.sum().

A common wrong answer for this question was the second answer choice, np.random.choice(billy_lommarp.get('minutes'), lommarp.sum(), replace=False).mean(). This mimics the structure of how billy_mean was defined so it’s a natural guess. However, this corresponds to the following random process, which doesn’t associate each assembly with a unique label (BILLY or LOMMARP):

  1. Collect all the assembly times of any BILLY or LOMMARP bookcase in a large bag.
  2. Pull out a random assembly time from this bag.
  3. Repeat, drawing as many times as there are BILLY bookcases, without replacement.
  4. Collect all the assembly times of any BILLY or LOMMARP bookcase in a large bag.
  5. Pull out a random assembly time from this bag.
  6. Repeat step 5, drawing as many times as there are LOMMARP bookcases, without replacement.

We could easily get the same assembly time once for BILLY and once for LOMMARP, while other assembly times could get picked for neither. This process doesn’t split the data into two random groups as desired.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 12%.

Problem 10

IKEA is piloting a new rewards program where customers can earn free Swedish meatball plates from the in-store cafe when they purchase expensive items. Meatball plates are awarded as follows. Assume the item price is always an integer.

Item price Number of meatball plates
less than 99 dollars 0
100 to 199 dollars 1
200 dollars or more 2

We want to implement a function called calculate_meatball_plates that takes as input an array of several item prices, corresponding to the individual items purchased in one transaction, and returns the total number of meatball plates earned in that transaction.

Select all correct ways of implementing this function from the options below.

Way 1:

def calculate_meatball_plates(prices): 
    meatball_plates = 0
    for price in prices:
        if price >= 100 and price <= 199:
            meatball_plates = 1
        elif price >= 200:
            meatball_plates = 2
    return meatball_plates

Way 2:

def calculate_meatball_plates(prices): 
    meatball_plates = 0
    for price in prices:
        if price >= 200:
            meatball_plates = meatball_plates + 1
        if price >= 100:
            meatball_plates = meatball_plates + 1
    return meatball_plates

Way 3:

def calculate_meatball_plates(prices): 
    return np.count_nonzero(prices >= 100) + np.count_nonzero(prices >= 200)

Way 4:

def calculate_meatball_plates(prices): 
    return (prices >= 200).sum()*2 + ((100 <= prices) & (prices <= 199)).sum()*1

Answer: Way 2, Way 3, Way 4

Way 1 does not work because it resets the variable meatball_plates with each iteration instead of adding to a running total. At the end of the loop, meatball_plates evaluates to the number of meatball plates earned by the last price in prices instead of the total number of meatball plates earned by all purchases. A quick way to see this is incorrect is to notice that the only possible return values are 0, 1, and 2, but it’s possible to earn more than 2 meatball plates with enough purchases.

Way 2 works. As in Way 1, it loops through each price in prices. When evaluating each price, it checks if the price is at least 200 dollars, and if so, increments the total number of meatball plates by 1. Then it checks if the price is at least 100 dollars, and if so, increments the count of meatball plates again. This works because for prices that are at least 200 dollars, both if conditions are satisfied, so the meatball plate count goes up by 2, and for prices that are between 100 and 199 dollars, only one of the if conditions is satisfied, so the count increases by 1. For prices less than 100 dollars, the count doesn’t change.

Way 3 works without using any iteration at all. It uses np.count_nonzero to count the number of prices that are at least 100 dollars, then it similarly counts the number of prices that are at least 200 dollars and adds these together. This works because prices that are at least 200 dollars are also at least 100 dollars, so they contribute 2 to the total. Prices that are between 100 and 199 contribute 1, and prices below 100 dollars don’t contribute at all.

Way 4 also works and calculates the number of meatball plates without iteration. The expression prices >= 200 evaluates to a boolean Series with True for each price that is at least 200 dollars. Summing this Series gives a count of the number of prices that are at least 200 dollars, since True counts as 1 and False counts as 0 in Python. Each such purchase earns 2 meatball plates, so this count of purchases 200 dollars and up gets multiplied by 2. Similarly, (100 <= prices) & (prices <= 199) is a Series containing True for each price that is at least 100 dollars and at most 199 dollars, and the sum of that Series is the number of prices between 100 and 199 dollars. Each such purchase contributes one additional meatball plate, so the number of such purchases gets multiplied by 1 and added to the total.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 64%.

Problem 11

The histogram below shows the distribution of the number of products sold per day throughout the last 30 days, for two different IKEA products: the KURA reversible bed, and the ANTILOP highchair.

Problem 11.1

For how many days did IKEA sell between 20 (inclusive) and 30 (exclusive) KURA reversible beds per? Give an integer answer or write “not enough information”, but not both.

Answer: 15

Remember that for a density histogram, the proportion of data that falls in a certain range is the area of the histogram between those bounds. So to find the proportion of days for which IKEA sold between 20 and 30 KURA reversible beds, we need to find the total area of the bins [20, 25) and [25, 30). Note that the left endpoint of each bin is included and the right bin is not, which works perfectly with needing to include 20 and exclude 30.

The bin [20, 25) has a width of 5 and a height of about 0.047. The bin [25, 30) has a width of 5 and a height of about 0.053. The heights are approximate by eye, but it appears that the [20, 25) bin is below the horizontal line at 0.05 by the same amount which the [25, 30) is above that line. Noticing this spares us some annoying arithmetic and we can calculate the total area as

\begin{aligned} \text{total area} &= 5*0.047 + 5*0.053 \\ &= 5*(0.047 + 0.053) \\ &= 5*(0.1) \\ &= 0.5 \end{aligned}

Therefore, the proportion of days where IKEA sold between 20 and 30 KURA reversible beds is 0.5. Since there are 30 days represented in this histogram, that corresponds to 15 days.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 54%.

Problem 11.2

For how many days did IKEA sell more KURA reversible beds than ANTILOP highchairs? Give an integer answer or write “not enough information”, but not both.

Answer: not enough information

We cannot compare the number of KURA reversible beds sold on a certain day with the number of ANTILOP highchairs sold on the same day. These are two separate histograms shown on the same axes, but we have no way to associate data from one histogram with data from the other. For example, it’s possible that on some days, IKEA sold the same number of KURA reversible beds and ANTILOP highchairs. It’s also possible from this histogram that this never happened on any day.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 54%.

Problem 11.3

Determine the relative order of the three quantities below.

  1. The number of days for which IKEA sold at least 35 ANTILOP highchairs.
  2. The number of days for which IKEA sold less than 25 ANTILOP highchairs.
  3. The number of days for which IKEA sold between 10 (inclusive) and 20 (exclusive) KURA reversible beds.

Answer: (2)<(3)<(1)

We can calculate the exact value of each of the quantities:

  1. To find the number of days for which IKEA sold at least 35 ANTILOP highchairs, we need to find the total area of the rightmost three bins of the ANTILOP distribution. Doing a similar calculation to the one we did in Problem 11.1, \begin{aligned} \text{total area} &= 5*0.053 + 5*0.02 + 5*0.007 \\ &= 5*(0.08) \\ &= 0.4 \end{aligned} This is a proportion of 0.4 out of 30 days total, which corresponds to 12 days.

  2. To find the number of days for which IKEA sold less than 25 ANTILOP highchairs, we need to find the total area of the leftmost four bins of the ANTILOP distribution. We can do this in the same way as before, but to avoid the math, we can also use the information we’ve already figured out to make this easier. In Problem 11.1, we learned that the KURA distribution included 15 days total in the two bins [20, 25) and [25, 30). Since the [25, 30) bin is just slightly taller than the [20, 25) bin, these 15 days must be split as 7 in the [20, 25) bin and 8 in the [25, 30) bin. Once we know the tallest bin corresponds to 8 days, we can figure out the number of days corresponding to every other bin just by eye. Anything that’s half as tall as the tallest bin, for example, represents 4 days. The red lines on the histogram below each represent 1 day, so we can easily count the number of days in each bin.

    Therefore summing up the number of days from the 4 bins for which IKEA sold less than 25 ANTILOP highchairs gives 0 + 3 + 0 + 5 = 8. Altogether, that’s 8 days.
  3. To find the number of days for which IKEA sold between 10 and 20 KURA reversible beds, we simply need to add the number of days in the [10, 15) and [15, 20) bins of the KURA distribution. Using the histogram with the red lines makes this easy to calculate as 4+5, or 9 days.

Therefore since 8<9<12, the correct answer is (2)<(3)<(1).

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 81%.

Problem 12

An IKEA chair designer is experimenting with some new ideas for armchair designs. She has the idea of making the arm rests shaped like bell curves, or normal distributions. A cross-section of the armchair design is shown below.

This was created by taking the portion of the standard normal distribution from z=-4 to z=4 and adjoining two copies of it, one centered at z=0 and the other centered at z=8. Let’s call this shape the armchair curve.

Since the area under the standard normal curve from z=-4 to z=4 is approximately 1, the total area under the armchair curve is approximately 2.

Complete the implementation of the two functions below:

  1. area_left_of(z) should return the area under the armchair curve to the left of z, assuming -4 <= z <= 12, and
  2. area_between(x, y) should return the area under the armchair curve between x and y, assuming -4 <= x <= y <= 12.
import scipy

def area_left_of(z):
    '''Returns the area under the armchair curve to the left of z.
       Assume -4 <= z <= 12'''
    if ___(a)___: 
        return ___(b)___ 
    return scipy.stats.norm.cdf(z)

def area_between(x, y):
    '''Returns the area under the armchair curve between x and y. 
    Assume -4 <= x <= y <= 12.'''
    return ___(c)___

Problem 12.1

What goes in blank (a)?

Answer: z>4 or z>=4

The body of the function contains an if statement followed by a return statement, which executes only when the if condition is false. In that case, the function returns scipy.stats.norm.cdf(z), which is the area under the standard normal curve to the left of z. When z is in the left half of the armchair curve, the area under the armchair curve to the left of z is the area under the standard normal curve to the left of z because the left half of the armchair curve is a standard normal curve, centered at 0. So we want to execute the return statement in that case, but not if z is in the right half of the armchair curve, since in that case the area to the left of z under the armchair curve should be more than 1, and scipy.stats.norm.cdf(z) can never exceed 1. This means the if condition needs to correspond to z being in the right half of the armchair curve, which corresponds to z>4 or z>=4, either of which is a correct solution.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 72%.

Problem 12.2

What goes in blank (b)?

Answer: 1+scipy.stats.norm.cdf(z-8)

This blank should contain the value we want to return when z is in the right half of the armchair curve. In this case, the area under the armchair curve to the left of z is the sum of two areas:

  1. the area under the entire left half of the armchair curve, which is 1, and
  2. the area under the portion of the right half of the armchair curve that falls to the left of z.

Since the right half of the armchair curve is just a standard normal curve that’s been shifted to the right by 8 units, the area under that normal curve to the left of z is the same as the area to the left of z-8 on the standard normal curve that’s centered at 0. Adding the portion from the left half and the right half of the armchair curve gives 1+scipy.stats.norm.cdf(z-8).

For example, if we want to find the area under the armchair curve to the left of 9, we need to total the yellow and blue areas in the image below.

The yellow area is 1 and the blue area is the same as the area under the standard normal curve (or the left half of the armchair curve) to the left of 1 because 1 is the point on the left half of the armchair curve that corresponds to 9 on the right half. In general, we need to subtract 8 from a value on the right half to get the corresponding value on the left half.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 54%.

Problem 12.3

What goes in blank (c)?

Answer: area_left_of(y) - area_left_of(x)

In general, we can find the area under any curve between x and y by taking the area under the curve to the left of y and subtracting the area under the curve to the left of x. Since we have a function to find the area to the left of any given point in the armchair curve, we just need to call that function twice with the appropriate inputs and subtract the result.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 60%.

Problem 13

Suppose you have correctly implemented the function area_between(x, y) so that it returns the area under the armchair curve between x and y, assuming the inputs satisfy -4 <= x <= y <= 12.

Note: You can still do this question, even if you didn’t know how to do the previous one.

Problem 13.1

What is the approximate value of area_between(-2, 10)?

Answer: 1.95

The area we want to find is shown below in two colors. We can find the area in each half of the armchair curve separately and add the results.

For the yellow area, we know that the area within 2 standard deviations of the mean on the standard normal curve is 0.95. The remaining 0.05 is split equally on both sides, so the yellow area is 0.975.

The blue area is the same by symmetry so the total shaded area is 0.975*2 = 1.95.

Equivalently, we can use the fact that the total area under the armchair curve is 2, and the amount of unshaded area on either side is 0.025, so the total shaded area is 2 - (0.025*2) = 1.95.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 76%.

Problem 13.2

What is the approximate value of area_between(0.37, 8.37)?

Answer: 1

The area we want to find is shown below in two colors.

As we saw in Problem 12.2, the point on the left half of the armchair curve that corresponds to 8.37 is 0.37. This means that if we move the blue area from the right half of the armchair curve to the left half, it will fit perfectly, as shown below.

Therefore the total of the blue and yellow areas is the same as the area under one standard normal curve, which is 1.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 76%.

Problem 14

An IKEA employee has access to a data set of the purchase amounts for 40,000 customer transactions. This data set is roughly normally distributed with mean 150 dollars and standard deviation 25 dollars.

Problem 14.1

Why is the distribution of purchase amounts roughly normal?

Answer: for some other reason

The data that we have is a sample of purchase amounts. It is not a sample mean or sample sum, so the Central Limit Theorem does not apply. The data just naturally happens to be roughly normally distributed, like human heights, for example.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 42%.

Problem 14.2

Shiv spends 300 dollars at IKEA. How would we describe Shiv’s purchase in standard units?

Answer: 6 standard units

To standardize a data value, we subtract the mean of the distribution and divide by the standard deviation:

\begin{aligned} \text{standard units} &= \frac{300 - 150}{25} \\ &= \frac{150}{25} \\ &= 6 \end{aligned}

A more intuitive way to think about standard units is the number of standard deviations above the mean (where negative means below the mean). Here, Shiv spent 150 dollars more than average. One standard deviation is 25 dollars, so 150 dollars is six standard deviations.

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 97%.

Problem 14.3

Give the endpoints of the CLT-based 95% confidence interval for the mean IKEA purchase amount, based on this data.

Answer: 149.75 and 150.25 dollars

The Central Limit Theorem tells us about the distribution of the sample mean purchase amount. That’s not the distribution the employee has, but rather a distribution that shows how the mean of a different sample of 40,000 purchases might have turned out. Specifically, we know the following information about the distribution of the sample mean.

  1. It is roughly normally distributed.
  2. Its mean is about 150 dollars, the same as the mean of the employee’s sample.
  3. Its standard deviation is about \frac{\text{sample standard deviation}}{\sqrt{\text{sample size}}}=\frac{25}{\sqrt{40000}} = \frac{25}{200} = \frac{1}{8}.

Since the distribution of the sample mean is roughly normal, we can find a 95% confidence interval for the sample mean by stepping out two standard deviations from the center, using the fact that 95% of the area of a normal distribution falls within 2 standard deviations of the mean. Therefore the endpoints of the CLT-based 95% confidence interval for the mean IKEA purchase amount are

  • 150 - 2*\frac{1}{8} = 149.75 dollars, and
  • 150 + 2*\frac{1}{8} = 150.25 dollars.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 36%.

Problem 15

There are 52 IKEA locations in the United States, and there are 50 states.

Which of the following describes how to calculate the total variation distance between the distribution of IKEA locations by state and the uniform distribution?

Answer: For each state, take the absolute difference between 1/50 and the number of IKEAs in that state divided by the total number of IKEA locations. Sum these values across all states and divide by two.

We’re looking at the distribution across states. Since there are 50 states, the uniform distribution would correspond to having a fraction of 1/50 of the IKEA locations in each state. We can picture this as a sequence with 50 entries that are all the same: (1/50, 1/50, 1/50, 1/50, \dots)

We want to compare this to the actual distribution of IKEAs across states, which we can think of as a sequence with 50 entries, representing the 50 states, but where each entry is the proportion of IKEA locations in a given state. For example, maybe the distribution starts out like this: (3/52, 1/52, 0/52, 1/52, \dots) We can interpret each entry as the number of IKEAs in a state divided by the total number of IKEA locations. Note that this has nothing to do with the average number of IKEA locations in each state, which is 52/50.

The way we take the TVD of two distributions is to subtract the distributions, take the absolute value, sum up the values, and divide by 2. Since the entries represent states, this process aligns with the given answer.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 30%.

Problem 16

The HAUGA bedroom furniture set includes two items, a bed frame and a bedside table. Suppose the amount of time it takes someone to assemble the bed frame is a random quantity drawn from the probability distribution below.

Time to assemble bed frame Probability
10 minutes 0.1
20 minutes 0.4
30 minutes 0.5

Similarly, the time it takes someone to assemble the bedside table is a random quantity, independent of the time it takes them to assemble the bed frame, drawn from the probability distribution below.

Time to assemble bedside table Probability
30 minutes 0.3
40 minutes 0.4
50 minutes 0.3

Problem 16.1

What is the probability that Stella assembles the bed frame in 10 minutes if we know it took her less than 30 minutes to assemble? Give your answer as a decimal between 0 and 1.

Answer: 0.2

We want to find the probability that Stella assembles the bed frame in 10 minutes, given that she assembles it in less than 30 minutes. The multiplication rule can be rearranged to find the conditional probability of one event given another.

\begin{aligned} P(A \text{ and } B) &= P(A \text{ given } B)*P(B)\\ P(A \text{ given } B) &= \frac{P(A \text{ and } B)}{P(B)} \end{aligned}

Let’s, therefore, define events A and B as follows:

  • A is the event that Stella assembles the bed frame in 10 minutes.
  • B is the event that Stella assembles the bed frame in less than 30 minutes.

Since 10 minutes is less than 30 minutes, A \text{ and } B is the same as A in this case. Therefore, P(A \text{ and } B) = P(A) = 0.1.

Since there are only two ways to complete the bed frame in less than 30 minutes (10 minutes or 20 minutes), it is straightforward to find P(B) using the addition rule P(B) = 0.1 + 0.4. The addition rule can be used here because assembling the bed frame in 10 minutes and assembling the bed frame in 20 minutes are mutually exclusive. We could alternatively find P(B) using the complement rule, since the only way not to complete the bed frame in less than 30 minutes is to complete it in exactly 30 minutes, which happens with a probability of 0.5. We’d get the same answer, P(B) = 1 - 0.5 = 0.5.

Plugging these numbers in gives our answer.

\begin{aligned} P(A \text{ given } B) &= \frac{P(A \text{ and } B)}{P(B)}\\ &= \frac{0.1}{0.5}\\ &= 0.2 \end{aligned}

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 72%.

Problem 16.2

What is the probability that Ryland assembles the bedside table in 40 minutes if we know that it took him 30 minutes to assemble the bed frame? Give your answer as a decimal between 0 and 1

Answer: 0.4

We are told that the time it takes someone to assemble the bedside table is a random quantity, independent of the time it takes them to assemble the bed frame. Therefore we can disregard the information about the time it took him to assemble the bed frame and read directly from the probability distribution that his probability of assembling the bedside table in 40 minutes is 0.4.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 82%.

Problem 16.3

What is the probability that Jin assembles the complete HAUGA set in at most 60 minutes? Give your answer as a decimal between 0 and 1.

Answer: 0.53

There are several different ways for the total assembly time to take at most 60 minutes:

  1. The bed frame takes 10 minutes and the bedside table takes any amount of time.
  2. The bed frame takes 20 minutes and the bedside table takes 30 or 40 minutes.
  3. The bed frame takes 30 minutes and the bedside table takes 30 minutes.

Using the multiplication rule, these probabilities are:

  1. 0.1*1 = 0.1
  2. 0.4*0.7 = 0.28
  3. 0.5*0.3 = 0.15

Finally, adding them up because they represent mutually exclusive cases, we get 0.1+0.28+0.15 = 0.53.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 58%.

Problem 17

Suppose the price of an IKEA product and the cost to have it assembled are linearly associated with a correlation of 0.8. Product prices have a mean of 140 dollars and a standard deviation of 40 dollars. Assembly costs have a mean of 80 dollars and a standard deviation of 10 dollars. We want to predict the assembly cost of a product based on its price using linear regression.

Problem 17.1

The NORDMELA 4-drawer dresser sells for 200 dollars. How much do we predict its assembly cost to be?

Answer: 92 dollars

We first use the formulas for the slope, m, and intercept, b, of the regression line to find the equation. For our application, x is the price and y is the assembly cost since we want to predict the assembly cost based on price.

\begin{aligned} m &= r*\frac{\text{SD of }y}{\text{SD of }x} \\ &= 0.8*\frac{10}{40} \\ &= 0.2\\ b &= \text{mean of }y - m*\text{mean of }x \\ &= 80 - 0.2*140 \\ &= 80 - 28 \\ &= 52 \end{aligned}

Now we know the formula of the regression line and we simply plug in x=200 to find the associated y value.

\begin{aligned} y &= mx+b \\ y &= 0.2x+52 \\ &= 0.2*200+52 \\ &= 92 \end{aligned}

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 76%.

Problem 17.2

The IDANÄS wardrobe sells for 80 dollars more than the KLIPPAN loveseat, so we expect the IDANÄS wardrobe will have a greater assembly cost than the KLIPPAN loveseat. How much do we predict the difference in assembly costs to be?

Answer: 16 dollars

The slope of a line describes the change in y for each change of 1 in x. The difference in x values for these two products is 80, so the difference in y values is m*80 = 0.2*80 = 16 dollars.

An equivalent way to state this is:

\begin{aligned} m &= \frac{\text{ rise, or change in } y}{\text{ run, or change in } x} \\ 0.2 &= \frac{\text{ rise, or change in } y}{80} \\ 0.2*80 &= \text{ rise, or change in } y \\ 16 &= \text{ rise, or change in } y \end{aligned}

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 65%.

Problem 17.3

If we create a 95% prediction interval for the assembly cost of a 100 dollar product and another 95% prediction interval for the assembly cost of a 120 dollar product, which prediction interval will be wider?

Answer: The one for the 100 dollar product.

Prediction intervals get wider the further we get from the point (\text{mean of } x, \text{mean of } y) since all regression lines must go through this point. Since the average product price is 140 dollars, the prediction interval will be wider for the 100 dollar product, since it’s the further of 100 and 120 from 140.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 45%.

Problem 18

For each IKEA desk, we know the cost of producing the desk, in dollars, and the current sale price of the desk, in dollars. We want to predict sale price based on production cost using linear regression.

Problem 18.1

For this scenario, which of the following most likely describes the slope of the regression line when both variables are measured in dollars?

Answer: more than 1

The slope of a line represents the change in y for each change of 1 in x. Therefore, the slope of the regression line is the amount we’d predict the sale price to increase when the production cost of an item increases by one dollar. In other words, it’s the sale price per dollar of production cost. This is almost certainly more than 1, otherwise the company would not make a profit. We’d expect that for any company, the sale price of an item should exceed the production cost, meaning the slope of the regression line has a value greater than one.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 72%.

Problem 18.2

For this scenario, which of the following most likely describes the slope of the regression line when both variables are measured in standard units?

Answer: between 0 and 1, exclusive

When both variables are measured in standard units, the slope of the regression line is the correlation coefficient. Recall that correlation coefficients are always between -1 and 1, however, because it’s not realistic for production cost and sale price to be negatively correlated (as that would mean products sell for less if they cost more to produce) we can limit our choice of answer to values between 0 and 1. Because a coefficient of 0 would mean there is no correlation and 1 would mean perfect correlation (that is, plotting the data would create a line), these are unlikely occurrences leaving us with the answer being between 0 and 1, exclusive.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 86%.

Problem 18.3

The residual plot for this regression is shown below.

What is being represented on the horizontal axis of the residual plot?

Answer: actual production cost

Residual plots show x on the horizontal axis and the residuals, or differences between actual y values and predicted y values, on the vertical axis. Therefore, the horizontal axis here shows the production cost. Note that we are not predicting production costs at all, so production cost means the actual cost to produce a product.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 43%.

Problem 18.4

Which of the following is a correct conclusion based on this residual plot? Select all that apply.

Answer: It would be better to fit a nonlinear curve.

Let’s go through each answer choice.

  • The correlation between production cost and sale price could be very strong. After all, we are able to predict the sale price within ten dollars almost all the time, since residuals are almost all between -10 and 10.

  • It would be better to fit a nonlinear curve because the residuals show a pattern. Reading from left to right, they go from mostly negative to mostly positive to mostly negative again. This suggests that a nonlinear curve might be a better fit for our data.

  • Our predictions are typically within ten dollars of the actual sale price, and this is consistent throughout. We see this on the residual plot by a fairly even vertical spread of dots as we scan from left to right. This data is not heteroscedastic.

  • We can do regression on a dataset of any size, even a very small data set. Further, this dataset is decently large, since there are a good number of points in the residual plot.

  • The regression line is always the best-fitting line for any dataset. There may be other curves that are better fits than lines, but when we restrict to lines, the best of the bunch is the regression line.

  • We have no way of knowing how representative our data set is of the population. This is not something we can discern from a residual plot because such a plot contains no information about the population from which the data was drawn.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 61%.

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