Winter 2022 Midterm Exam

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Instructor(s): Suraj Rampure

This exam was administered remotely via Gradescope. The exam was open-internet, and students were able to use Jupyter Notebooks. They had 50 minutes to work on it.

Welcome to the Midterm Exam for DSC 10 Winter 2022! Throughout this exam, we will work with a dataset consisting of various skyscrapers in the US, which we’ve loaded into a DataFrame called sky. The first few rows of sky are shown below (though the full DataFrame has more rows):

Each row of sky corresponds to a single skyscraper. For each skyscraper, we have: - its name, which is stored in the index of sky (string) - the 'material' it is made up of (string) - the 'city' in the US where it is located (string) - the number of 'floors' (levels) it contains (int) - its 'height' in meters (float), and - the 'year' in which it was opened (int)

Note that the height of a floor may be different in each building.

Tip: Open this page in another tab, so that it is easy to refer to this data description as you work through the exam.

Problem 1

Below, identify the data type of the result of each of the following expressions, or select “error” if you believe the expression results in an error.

Problem 1.1


Answer: DataFrame

sky is a DataFrame. All the sort_values method does is change the order of the rows in the Series/DataFrame it is called on, it does not change the data structure. As such, sky.sort_values('height') is also a DataFrame.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 87%.

Problem 1.2


Answer: error

sky.sort_values('height') is a DataFrame, and sky.sort_values('height').get('material') is a Series corresponding to the 'material' column, sorted by 'height' in increasing order. So far, there are no errors.

Remember, the .loc accessor is used to access elements in a Series based on their index. sky.sort_values('height').get('material').loc[0] is asking for the element in the sky.sort_values('height').get('material') Series with index 0. However, the index of sky is made up of building names. Since there is no building named 0, .loc[0] causes an error.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 79%.

Problem 1.3


Answer: string

As we mentioned above, sky.sort_values('height').get('material') is a Series containing values from the 'material' column (but sorted). Remember, there is no element in this Series with an index of 0, so sky.sort_values('height').get('material').loc[0] errors. However, .iloc[0] works differently than .loc[0]; .iloc[0] will give us the first element in a Series (independent of what’s in the index). So, sky.sort_values('height').get('material').iloc[0] gives us back a value from the 'material' column, which is made up of strings, so it gives us a string. (Specifically, it gives us the 'material' type of the skyscraper with the smallest 'height'.)

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 89%.

Problem 1.4


Answer: Series

The .apply method takes in a function and evaluates that function on every element in a Series. Here, sky.get('city').apply(len) is using the function len on every element in the Series sky.get('city'). The result is also a Series, containing the lengths of the names of each 'city'.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 79%.

Problem 1.5


Answer: Series

This is a tricky problem!

The function that apply takes in must work on individual elements in a Series, i.e. it must work with just a single argument. We saw this in the above subpart, where sky.get('city').apply(len) applied len on each 'city' name.

Here, we are trying to apply the max function on each 'city' name. The max of a single item does not work in Python, because taking the max requires comparing two or more elements. Try it out - in a notebook, run the expression max(5), and you’ll see an error. So, if we tried to use .apply(max) on a Series of numbers, we’d run into an error.

However, we are using .apply(max) on a Series of strings, and it turns out that Python does allow us to take the max of a string! The max of a string in Python is defined as the last character in the string alphabetically, so max('hello') evaluates to 'o'. This means that sky.get('city').apply(max) does actually run without error; it evaluates to a Series containing the last element in the name of each 'city'.

(This subpart was trickier than we intended – we ended up giving credit to both “error” and “Series”.)

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 89%.

Problem 1.6


Answer: int or float

The Series sky.get('floors') is made up of integers, and sky.get('floors').max() evaluates to the largest number in the Series, which is also an integer.

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 91%.

Problem 1.7


Answer: DataFrame

When grouping and using an aggregation method, the result is always a DataFrame. The DataFrame sky.groupby('material').max() contains all of the columns in sky, minus 'material', which has been moved to the index. It contains one row for each unique 'material'.

Note that no columns were “dropped”, as may happen when using .mean(), because .max() can work on Series’ of any type. You can take the max of strings, while you cannot take the mean of strings.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 78%.

Problem 1.8


Answer: string

sky.index contains the values 'Bayard-Condict Building', 'The Yacht Club at Portofino', 'City Investing Building', etc. sky.index[0] is then 'Bayard-Condict Building', which is a string.

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 91%.

Problem 2

In this question, we’ll write code to learn more about the skyscrapers in the beautiful city of San Diego. (Unrelated fun fact – since the San Diego Airport is so close to downtown, buildings in downtown San Diego legally cannot be taller than 152 meters.)

Problem 2.1

Below, fill in the blank to create a DataFrame, named san_tall, consisting of just the skyscrapers in San Diego that are over 100 meters tall.

condition = ______
san_tall = sky[(sky.get('city') == 'San Diego') & condition]

What goes in the blank?

Answer: sky.get('height') > 100

We need to query for all of the skyscrapers that satisfy two conditions – the 'city' must be 'San Diego' and the 'height' must be above 100. The first condition was already implemented for us, so we just need to construct a Boolean Series that implements the second condition.

Here, we want all of the rows where 'height' is above 100, so we get the 'height' column and compare it to 100 like so: sky.get('height') > 100.

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 95%.

Problem 2.2

Suppose san_tall from the previous part was created correctly. Fill in the blanks so that height_many_floors evaluates to the height (in meters) of the skyscraper with the most floors, amongst all skyscrapers in San Diego that are over 100 meters tall.

height_many_floors = san_tall.______.iloc[0]

What goes in the blank?

Answer: sort_values('floors', ascending=False).get('height')

The end of the line given to us is .iloc[0]. We know that .iloc[0] extracts the first element in whatever Series it is called on, so what comes before .iloc[0] must be a Series where the first element is the 'height' of the skyscraper with the most floors, among all skyscrapers in San Diego that are over 100 meters tall. The DataFrame we are working with, san_tall, already only has skyscrapers in San Diego that are over 100 meters tall.

This means that in the blank, all we need to do is:

  1. Sort skyscrapers by 'floors' in decreasing order (so that the first row is the skyscraper with the most 'floors').
  2. Extract the 'height' column.

As such, a complete answer is height_many_floors = san_tall.sort_values('floors', ascending=False).get('height').iloc[0].

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 74%.

Problem 2.3

height_many_floors, the value you computed in the previous part (2.2) was a number.

True or False: Assuming that the DataFrame san_tall contains all skyscrapers in San Diego, height_many_floors is the height (in meters) of the tallest skyscraper in San Diego.

Answer: False

height_many_floors is the height of the skyscraper with the most 'floors'. However, this is not necessarily the tallest skyscraper (i.e. the skyscraper with the largest 'height')! Consider the following scenario:

  • Building A: 15 floors, height of 150 feet
  • Building B: 20 floors, height of 100 feet

height_many_floors would be 100, but it is not the 'height' of the taller building.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 84%.

Problem 3

Note that each part of Question 3 depends on previous parts of Question 3.

In this question, we’ll take a closer look at the 'material' column of sky.

Problem 3.1

Below, fill in the blank to complete the implementation of the function majority_concrete, which takes in the name of a city and returns True if the majority of the skyscrapers in that city are made of concrete, and False otherwise. We define “majority” to mean “at least 50%”.

def majority_concrete(city):
    all_city = sky[sky.get('city') == city]
    concrete_city = all_city[all_city('material') == 'concrete']
    proportion = ______
    return proportion >= 0.5

What goes in the blank?

Answer: concrete_city.shape[0] / all_city.shape[0]

Let’s first understand the code that is already provided for us. Note that city is a string corresponding to the name of a city.

all_city contains only the rows for the passed in city. Note that all_city.shape[0] or len(all_city) is the number of rows in all_city, i.e. it is the number of skyscrapers in city. Then, concrete_city contains only the rows in all_city corresponding to 'concrete' skyscrapers, i.e. it contains only the rows corresponding to 'concrete' skyscrapers in city. Note that concrete_city.shape[0] or len(concrete_city) is the number of skyscrapers in city that are made of 'concrete'.

We want to return True only if at least 50% of the skyscrapers in city are made of concrete. The last line in the function, return proportion >= 0.5, is already provided for us, so all we need to do is compute the proportion of skyscrapers in city that are made of concrete. This is concrete_city.shape[0] / all_city.shape[0].

Another possible answer is len(concrete_city) / len(all_city).

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 85%.

Problem 3.2

Below, we create a DataFrame named by_city.

by_city = sky.groupby('city').count().reset_index()

Below, fill in the blanks to add a column to by_city, called 'is_majority', that contains the value True for each city where the majority of skyscrapers are concrete, and False for all other cities. You may need to use the function you defined in the previous subpart.

by_city = by_city.assign(is_majority = ______)

What goes in the blank?

Answer: by_city.get('city').apply(majority_concrete)

We are told to add a column to by_city. Recall, the way that .assign works is that the name of the new column comes before the = symbol, and a Series (or array) containing the values for the new column comes after the = symbol. As such, a Series needs to go in the blank.

majority_concrete takes in the name of a single city and returns either True or False accordingly. All we need to do here then is use the majority_concrete function on every element in the 'city' column. After accessing the 'city' column using by_city.get('city'), we need to use the .apply method using the argument majority_concrete. Putting it all together yields by_city.get('city').apply(majority_concrete), which is a Series.

Note: Here, by_city.get('city') only works because .reset_index() was used in the line where by_city was defined. If we did not reset the index, 'city' would not be a column!

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 86%.

Problem 3.3

by_city now has a column named 'is_majority' as described in the previous subpart. Now, suppose we create another DataFrame, mystery, below:

mystery = by_city.groupby('is_majority').count()

What is the largest possible value that mystery.shape[0] could evaluate to?

Answer: 2

Recall, the 'is_majority' column we created in the previous subpart contains only two possible values – True and False. When we group by_city by 'is_majority', we create two “groups” – one for True and one for False. As such, no matter what aggregation method we use (here we happened to use .count()), the resulting DataFrame will only have 2 rows (again, one for True and one for False).

Note: The question asked for the “largest possible value” that mystery.shape[0], because it is possible that mystery only has 1 row. This can only happen in two cases:

  1. It is true in all cities that the majority of skyscrapers are made of 'concrete'.
  2. It is true in no cities that the majority of skyscrapers are made of 'concrete'.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 76%.

Problem 3.4

Suppose mystery.get('city').iloc[0] == mystery.get('city').iloc[1] evaluates to True.

True or False: In exactly half of the cities in sky, it is true that a majority of skyscrapers are made of 'concrete'. (Tip: Walk through the manipulations performed in the previous three subparts to get an idea of what mystery looks like and contains.)

Answer: True

In the solution to the previous subpart, we noted that mystery contains at most 2 rows, one corresponding to cities where 'is_majority' is True and one corresponding to cities where 'is_majority' is False. Furthermore, recall that we used the .count() aggregation method, which means that the entries in each column of mystery contain the number of cities where 'is_majority' is True and the number of cities where 'is_majority' is False.

If mystery.get('city').iloc[0] == mystery.get('city').iloc[1], it must be the case that the number of cities where 'is_majority' is True and False are equal. This must mean that in exactly half of the cities in sky, it is true that the majority of skyscrapers are made of 'concrete'.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 69%.

Problem 4

Suppose we have access to another DataFrame, new_york, that contains the latitude and longitude of every single skyscraper in New York City that is also in sky. The first few rows of new_york are shown below.

Below, we define a new DataFrame, sky_with_location, that merges together both sky and new_york.

sky_with_location = sky.merge(new_york, left_index=True, right_on='name')

Given that:

select the true statement below.

Answer: sky_with_location has exactly n rows.

Here, we are merging sky and new_york on skyscraper names (stored in the index in sky and in the 'name' column in new_york). The resulting DataFrame, sky_with_location, will have one row for each “match” between skyscrapers in sky and new_york. Since skyscraper names are presumably unique, sky_with_location will have one row for each skyscraper that is in both sky and new_york.

The skyscrapers that are in both sky and new_york are just the skyscrapers in new_york, since all of the non-New York skyscrapers in sky won’t be in new_york. As such, sky_with_location has the same number of rows as new_york. new_york has n rows, so sky_with_location also has n rows.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 64%.

Problem 5

Recall, the interval [a, b) refers to numbers greater than or equal to a and less than b, and the interval [a, b] refers to numbers greater than or equal to a and less than or equal to b.

Suppose we created a DataFrame, medium_sky, containing only the skyscrapers in sky whose number of floors are in the interval [20, 60]. Below, we’ve drawn a histogram of the number of floors of all skyscrapers in medium_sky.

Problem 5.1

Suppose that there are 160 skyscrapers whose number of floors are in the interval [30, 35).

Given this information and the histogram above, how many skyscrapers are there in medium_sky?

Answer: 800

Recall, in a histogram,

\text{proportion of values in bin} = \text{area of bar} = \text{width of bin} \cdot \text{height of bar}

Also, note that:

\text{\# of values satisfying condition} = \text{proportion of values satisfying condition} \cdot \text{total \# of values}

Here, we’re given the entire histogram, so we can find the proportion of values in the [30, 35) bin. We are also given the number of values in the [30, 35) bin (160). This means we can use the second equation above to find the total number of skyscrapers in medium_sky.

The first step is finding the area of the [30, 35) bin’s bar. Its width is 35-30 = 5, and its height is 0.04, so its area is 5 \cdot 0.04 = 0.2. Then,

\begin{aligned} \text{\# of values satisfying condition} &= \text{proportion of values satisfying condition} \cdot \text{total \# of values} \\ 160 &= 0.2 \cdot \text{total \# of values} \\ \implies \text{total \# of values} &= \frac{160}{0.2} = 160 \cdot 5 = 800 \end{aligned}

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 62%.

Problem 5.2

Again, suppose that there are 160 skyscrapers whose number of floors are in the interval [30, 35).

Now suppose that there is a typo in the medium_sky DataFrame, and 20 skyscrapers were accidentally listed as having 53 floors each when instead they actually only have 35 floors each. The histogram drawn above contains the incorrect version of the data.

Suppose we re-draw the above histogram using the correct data. What will be the new heights of both the [35, 40) bar and [50, 55) bar? Select the closest answer.

Answer: The [35, 40) bar’s height becomes 0.035, and the [50, 55) bar’s height becomes 0.008.

The current height of the [35, 40) bar is 0.03, and the current height of the [50, 55) bar is 0.013 (approximately; its height appears to be slightly more than halfway between 0.01 and 0.015). We need to decrease the height of the [50, 55) bar and increase the height of the [35, 40) bar. The combined area of both bars must stay the same, since the proportion of values in their bins (together) is not changing. This means that the amount we need to decrease the [50, 55) bar’s height by is the same as the amount we need to increase the [35, 40) bar’s height by. Note that this relationship is true in all 4 answer choices.

In the question, we were told that 20 skyscrapers were incorrectly binned. There are 800 skyscrapers total, so the proportion of skyscrapers that were incorrectly binned is \frac{20}{800} = 0.025. This means that the area of the [35, 40) bar needs to increase by 0.025 and the area of the [50, 55) bar needs to decrease by 0.025. Recall, each bar has width 5. That means that the “rectangular section” we will add to the [35, 40) bar and remove from the [50, 55) bar has height

\text{height} = \frac{\text{area}}{\text{width}} = \frac{0.025}{5} = 0.005

Thus, the height of the [35, 40) bar becomes 0.03 + 0.005 = 0.035 and the height of the [50, 55) bar becomes 0.013 - 0.005 = 0.008.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 74%.

Problem 6

Consider the following line plot, which depicts the number of skyscrapers built per year.

Problem 6.1

We created the line plot above using the following line of code:

sky.groupby('year').count().plot(kind='line', y='height');

Which of the following could we replace 'height' with in the line of code above, such that the resulting line of code creates the same line plot? Select all that apply.

Answers: 'material', 'city', and 'floors'

Recall that when we use the .count() aggregation method while grouping, the values in all resulting columns are the same (they all contain the number of values in each unique group). This means that any column of sky.groupby('year').count() can replace 'height' in the provided line.

'name' is not a column in sky.groupby('year').count(). 'name' was the index in sky, but is not present at all in sky.groupby('year').count() (the original index is lost completely). 'year' is also not a column in sky.groupby('year').count(), since it is the index. The remaining three columns – 'material', 'city', and 'floors' – would all work.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 74%.

Problem 6.2

Note: This problem is out of scope; it covers material no longer included in the course.

Now let’s look at the number of skyscrapers built each year since 1975 in New York City 🗽.

Which of the following is a valid conclusion we can make using this graph alone?

Answer: None of the above.

Let’s look at each answer choice.

  • “No city in the dataset had more skyscrapers built in 2015 than New York City.” is not necessarily true, because the graph provided only shows information for New York City. For all we know, 10000 skyscrapers were built in San Diego in 2015.
  • “The decrease in the number of skyscrapers built in 2012 over previous years was due to the 2008 economic recession, and the reason the decrease is seen in 2012 rather than 2008 is because skyscrapers usually take 4 years to be built.” is not necessarily true, and we have no information that suggests that it is.
  • “The decrease in the number of skyscrapers built in 2012 over previous years was due to something other than the 2008 economic recession.” is also not necessarily true – it could be the case that the recession was the reason, but the graph doesn’t tell us whether or not it is.
  • “The COVID-19 pandemic is the reason that so few skyscrapers were built in 2020.”, for similar reasons, is also not necessarily true.

Tip: This is a typical “cause-and-effect” problem that you’ll see in DSC 10 exams quite often. In order to establish that some treatment had an effect, we need to run a randomized controlled trial, or have some other guarantee that there is no difference between the naturally-observed control and treatment groups.

Difficulty: ⭐️

The average score on this problem was 90%.

Problem 6.3

In which of the following scenarios would it make sense to draw a overlaid histogram?

Answer: To visualize the distribution of the number of floors per skyscraper, separately for New York City and Chicago.

Recall, we use a histogram to visualize the distribution of a numerical variable. Here, we have a numerical variable (number of floors) that is split across two categories (New York City and Chicago), so we need to draw two histograms, or an overlaid histogram.

In the three incorrect answer choices, another visualization type is more appropriate. Given the descriptions here, see if you can draw what each of these three visualizations should look like.

  • To visualize the number of skyscrapers of each material type, separately for New York City and Chicago, we’d need to draw an overlaid bar chart. For each material type, there would be two bars – one for New York City, and one for Chicago. The length of each bar would correspond to the number of skyscrapers of that material type in that city. We could color the New York City and Chicago bars in different colors.
  • To visualize the average height of skyscrapers built per year, separately for New York City and Chicago, we’d need to draw an overlaid line chart. There would be two lines, one for New York City and one for Chicago (this would look similar to the plot in the previous subpart, but with another line).
  • To visualize the relationship between the number of floors and height for all skyscrapers, we’d need to draw a scatter plot. This is because scatter plots are the correct tool to use to visualize the relationship between two numerical variables, and both “number of floors” and “height” are numerical variables.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 62%.

Problem 7

Billina Records, a new record company focused on creating new TikTok audios, has its offices on the 23rd floor of a skyscraper with 75 floors (numbered 1 through 75). The owners of the building promised that 10 different random floors will be selected to be renovated.

Problem 7.1

Below, fill in the blanks to complete a simulation that will estimate the probability that Billina Records’ floor will be renovated.

total = 0
repetitions = 10000
for i in np.arange(repetitions):
    choices = np.random.choice(__(a)__, 10, __(b)__)
    if __(c)__:
        total = total + 1
prob_renovate = total / repetitions

What goes in blank (a)?

What goes in blank (b)?

What goes in blank (c)?

Answer: np.arange(1, 76), replace=False, np.count_nonzero(choices == 23) > 0

Here, the idea is to randomly choose 10 different floors repeatedly, and each time, check if floor 23 was selected.

Blank (a): The first argument to np.random.choice needs to be an array/list containing the options we want to choose from, i.e. an array/list containing the values 1, 2, 3, 4, …, 75, since those are the numbers of the floors. np.arange(a, b) returns an array of integers spaced out by 1 starting from a and ending at b-1. As such, the correct call to np.arange is np.arange(1, 76).

Blank (b): Since we want to select 10 different floors, we need to specify replace=False (the default behavior is replace=True).

Blank (c): The if condition needs to check if 23 was one of the 10 numbers that were selected, i.e. if 23 is in choices. It needs to evaluate to a single Boolean value, i.e. True (if 23 was selected) or False (if 23 was not selected). Let’s go through each incorrect option to see why it’s wrong:

  • Option 1, choices == 23, does not evaluate to a single Boolean value; rather, it evaluates to an array of length 10, containing multiple Trues and Falses.
  • Option 2, choices is 23, does not evaluate to what we want – it checks to see if the array choices is the same Python object as the number 23, which it is not (and will never be, since an array cannot be a single number).
  • Option 4, np.count_nonzero(choices) == 23, does evaluate to a single Boolean, however it is not quite correct. np.count_nonzero(choices) will always evaluate to 10, since choices is made up of 10 integers randomly selected from 1, 2, 3, 4, …, 75, none of which are 0. As such, np.count_nonzero(choices) == 23 is the same as 10 == 23, which is always False, regardless of whether or not 23 is in choices.
  • Option 5, choices.str.contains(23), errors, since choices is not a Series (and .str can only follow a Series). If choices were a Series, this would still error, since the argument to .str.contains must be a string, not an int.

By process of elimination, Option 3, np.count_nonzero(choices == 23) > 0, must be the correct answer. Let’s look at it piece-by-piece:

  • As we saw in Option 1, choices == 23 is a Boolean array that contains True each time the selected floor was floor 23 and False otherwise. (Since we’re sampling without replacement, floor 23 can only be selected at most once, and so choices == 23 can only contain the value True at most once.)
  • np.count_nonzero(choices == 23) evaluates to the number of Trues in choices == 23. If it is positive (i.e. 1), it means that floor 23 was selected. If it is 0, it means floor 23 was not selected.
  • Thus, np.count_nonzero(choices == 23) > 0 evaluates to True if (and only if) floor 23 was selected.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 75%.

Problem 7.2

In the previous subpart of this question, your answer to blank (c) contained the number 23, and the simulated probability was stored in the variable prob_renovate.

Suppose, in blank (c), we change the number 23 to the number 46, and we store the new simulated probability in the variable name other_prob. (prob_renovate is unchanged from the previous part.)

With these changes, which of the following is the most accurate representation of the relationship between other_prob and prob_renovate?

Answer: other_prob will be roughly equal to prob_renovate

The calculation we did in the previous subpart was not specific to the number 23. That is, we could have replaced 23 with any integer between 1 and 75 inclusive and the simulation would have been just as valid. The probability we estimated is the probability that any one floor was randomly selected; there is nothing special about 23.

(We say “roughly equal” because the result may turn out slightly different due to randomness.)

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 89%.

Problem 8

While they are not skyscrapers, New Sixth College at UCSD has four relatively tall residential buildings, which we’ll call Building A, Building B, Building C, and Building D. Suppose each building has 10 floors.

Sixth College administration decides to ease the General Education requirements for a few randomly selected students. Here’s their strategy:

Everyone on one of the four floors selected in Wave 1 has the CAT 1 requirement waived. Everyone on the one floor selected in Wave 2 has both the CAT 1 and CAT 2 requirements waived.

Problem 8.1

Billy lives on the 8th floor of Building C. What’s the probability that Billy has both the CAT 1 and CAT 2 requirements waived? Give your answer as a proportion between 0 and 1, rounded to 3 decimal places.

Answer: 0.025

In order for the 8th floor of Building C to be selected, two things need to happen:

  • In Wave 1, the 8th floor of Building C needs to be selected amongst all 10 floors in Building C – this happens with probability \frac{1}{10}, since each floor in Building C is equally likely to be selected.
  • In Wave 2, the 8th floor of Building C needs to be selected amongst the 4 floors selected in Wave 1 – this happens with probability \frac{1}{4}, since each floor in Wave 1 is equally likely to be selected.

Since both events need to occur, and both events are independent (think of selecting in each wave as drawing names from a hat), the probability that both occur is the product of the probabilities that they occur individually:

\frac{1}{10} \cdot \frac{1}{4} = \frac{1}{40} = 0.025

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 80%.

Problem 8.2

What’s the probability that at least one of the top (10th) floors of all four buildings are selected in Wave 1?

Give your answer as a proportion between 0 and 1, rounded to 3 decimal places.

Answer: 0.344

Whenever we are asked to compute the probability of “at least one” occurrence of some event, it is almost always easiest to compute the complement of (i.e. “1 minus”) the probability that there are no occurrences of the event. That is the case here; as such, we need to compute the probability that none of the 10th floors are selected across all four buildings.

To compute the probability that none of the 10th floors are selected across all four buildings, we first need to find the probability that the 10th floor is not selected in just a single building. This is 1 - \frac{1}{10} = \frac{9}{10}. Then, since the selections in each building are independent of other buildings, the probability that none of the 10th floors are selected across all four buildings is \left( \frac{9}{10} \right)^4.

Lastly, the probability we are asked for is the complement of the probability we just computed. So, the probability that at least one 10th floor is selected across all four buildings is

1 - \left( 1 - \frac{1}{10} \right)^4 = 1 - \left( \frac{9}{10} \right)^4 = 1 - 0.6561 = 0.3439

This rounds to 0.344.

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The average score on this problem was 64%.

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